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Young Investigator Group Nanoscale Solid-Liquid Interfaces

Projects and collaborations

We regularly have open PhD and postdoc positions that will be advertised on the HZB portal. Furthermore, we have experience with scholarships for international students and postdocs (DAAD, CSC, AvH, MSCA, …).

We are open for collaborations, do not hesitate to contact us if you have exciting ideas in mind!

Ongoing projects

NANOMXM (2021-2026) : ERC Starting Grant n° 947852, "Nanoscale Chemical Imaging of MXene Electrochemical Storage by Operando Scanning X-ray Microscopy"

CATLAB (2020-2025)

OptiRefS (2022-2025): ProFIT with PTB, TU Berlin, Sentech.

Applikationslabore für Breitbandspektroskopie und Infrarot-Laser-Ellipsometrie
(bis 31.12.2026, EFRE 1.8/07, EFRE 1.8/13 )


Previous Projects

Nanocarbons (2015-2024): Freigeist Fellowship n° 89592, "Nanocarbons in Aqueous Environment: Spectroscopy Applied to Electro- and Photochemical Processes in Liquid"

DIACAT (2015-2019): Horizon 2020, FET Open n°665085, "Diamond materials for the photocatalytic conversion of CO2 to fine chemicals and fuels using vsible light"

Collaboration with industry

In addition to international scientific collaboration with academics, we also have active industrial collaboration, including: