Young Investigator Group Nanoscale Solid-Liquid Interfaces
Raman spectro/microscopy
Raman spectroscopy is a standard tool for the analysis of organic and inorganic materials. Depending on the samples to be examined and the scientific question that needs to be addressed, it is necessary to choose a suitable excitation wavelength. In particular for small organic molecules or wide bandgapmaterials, laser excitation in the UV spectral range is of advantage. On the other hand, for many materials an excitation with visible or even IR laser light is required. Three different Raman setups are available that offer optimized instrumentation for excitation with UV, DUV, and visible laser light at wavelengths of 220 nm, 266 nm, 325 nm, 355 nm, 442 nm, 457nm, and 532 nm. Measurements can be carried out in macro and micro configuration with different objectives. Liquid and electrochemical cells are available. Temperature dependent measurements can be performed in the range from 5 to 300 K.