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News & Events

Webinar Series starts again!

  • 22.05.2024 Dr. Rene Schwiddessen, HZB (10 am Berlin time) - GI-WAXS - a powerful method for in-depth structural characterization of thin films
  • 17.04.2024 Dr. Max Grischek, HZB (10 am Berlin time) - Advancing Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cells for Application in Tandem Architectures
  • 27.3.2024 Ana Palacios Sauras, HZB (10 am Berlin time) - The Big Bang of Halide Perovskites: the Starting Point of Crystallization
  • 06.03.2024 Dr. Adi Kama, BIU Israel (10 am Berlin time) - New Deposition Method for Tunable Bandgap Pb-Free Halide Perovskite Thin Films
  • 21.02.2024 Dr. Igal Levine, HUJ Israel (10 am Berlin time) - Insights from SPV analysis of Energy Materials: Defects, Charge Transfer and Recombination

80 HI-SCORE members meet at Conference at the Weizmann Institute to discuss aspects of solar energy conversion Israel, February 7-9, 2023

Between 7th and 9th of February 2023, more than 80 researchers from renowned Israeli research institutions, Potsdam University as well as the Helmholtz Centre Berlin in Germany, met at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel for the purpose of discussing “Perspectives for Research on Solar Energy Conversion – From the Viewpoint of Israeli and Berlin/Brandenburg Scientists”.

The conference was organised within the framework of the Helmholtz International Research School HI-SCORE and co-financed by the Chorafas Institute for Scientific Exchange. The program consisted of overview lectures by Israeli and German researchers on the state of art of their current research, which in turn led the scientists to lively discussions. During poster sessions outside the plenary, the participating PhD-students introduced their work to the scientific community, and flash-talks elaborated on the content of the various posters.

The meeting at Weizmann Institute was the first after a long series of online-events within the HI-SCORE research exchange and cooperation between HZB and the Israeli partner institutions. Hence, there was an almost jolly mood among the participants in excitement of the re-joining. Lunches and Dinners on-site at the serene Weizmann campus provided ideal backdrop for intense discussions and ideas for further cooperation as well as for renewing friendships.

For HI-SCORE, this event proved to be very significant, because new research groups had been invited to join the network with their expertise. Despite the end of the financing round of HI-SCORE in its present format at the end of 2023, there are ambitious plans to continue this successful German Israeli research platform.

Special thanks goes out to the organizers, Prof. David Cahen, Dr. Omer Yaffe, Dr. Daniel Abou-Ras, Mrs. Ulrike Goldenblatt and Mrs. Talia Suissa

Reference homepage https://www.weizmann.ac.il/conferences/HP2023/


enlarged view

Organizers: Dr. Yaffe, Prof. Cahen, Dr. Abou-Ras, Mrs. Goldenblatt

Webinar Series (Recordings can be accessed on Nubes)

Past Webinars:

    • 14.12.2022 Dr. Johannes Sutter, HZB Berlin (10 am Berlin time) - Light Management in Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells
    • 07.12.2022 Anat Itzchak, Bar Ilan University, Israel (10 am Berlin time) - The Effect of Metal Oxides on Halide Perovskites and Metal Nitrides Counter
    • 04.05.2022 Prof. Georgios Katsoukis, Twente University, Netherlands - Ultrathin oxide layers for electro- and photocatalytic applications and time-resolved electrochemical FT-IR Reflection-absorption spectroscopy
    • 06.04.2022 Prof. David Egger, TUM (10 am Berlin time) - Finite-temperature properties of energy materials
    • 23.03.2022 Dr. Julia Wienold, European Patent Attorney at HZB (10 am Berlin time) - Patents – Basics and special regulations at HZB
    • 16.03.2022 Prof. Emilio Palomares, The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology Spain (10 am Berlin time) - Molecular solar cells
    • 09.03.2022 Danielle Metzler, HIDA (10 am Berlin time) - Introducing the Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy
    • 02.03.2022 Dr. Thorsten Rissom, Oxford PV Germany (10 am Berlin time) - Experiences from a career in an industrial environment
    • 23.02.2022 Prof. Elad Gross, HUJ Israel (10 am Berlin time) - What makes a catalyst active? Insights from single particle nanospectroscopy reactivity measurements
    • 16.02.2022 Dr. Bat-El Cohen Wiezel, HUJ Israel (10 am Berlin time) -Chemical modifications of low-dimensional metal halideperovskite and their use in solar cells
    • 09.02.2022 Dr. Hannah Funk, HZB (10 am Berlin time) - Microscopic insights into phases and their transformations in inorganic halide perovskites
    • 26.01.2022 Dr. Patrick Schnell, HZB (10 am Berlin time) - The impact of surface modifications on the properties of
      α-SnWO4 photoanodes for photoelectrochemical water splitting
    • 19.01.2022 Dr. Eran Edri, Department of Chemical Engineering at BGU, Israel (10 am Berlin time) - Small gap, large gap, the many many (band) gaps you meet: on the solid-state chemistry of trichalcogenides and chalcohalides and their application for photovoltaics
    • 24.11.2021 Dr. Dennis Friedrich, HZB (10 am Berlin time) Time-resolved microwave conductivity: measurement principle, dataanalysis and examples
    • 10.11.2021 Prof. Norbert Koch, Humboldt University (10 am Berlin time) - Electronic properties of metal halide perovskites and their interfaces: the basics
    • 25.10.2021 Prof. Juan Bisquert, Universitat Jaume I, Spain (10 am Berlin time) - Impedance/admittance spectroscopy and light modulated techniques for the study of energy conversion devices
    • 10.06.2021 Prof. Tom Markvart, University of Southhampton, UK, and Prof. Dr. Uwe Rau, FZ Jülich (3 pm Berlin Time) - Fermi levels and chemical potentials
    • 05.05.2021 Prof. Jean-François Guillemoles, French National Centre for Scientific Research (10 am Berlin time) - Thermodynamic View on a Solar Cell
    • 14.04.2021 Prof. Eugene Katz, Ben Gurion University, Israel (10 am Berlin time) - Degradation Mechanisms in Perovskites
    • 13.01.2021 Dr. Cellina Cohen-Saidon, GIF Israel (at 2 pm Berlin time) - Funding opportunities at GIF and tips for writing a strong proposal
    • 03.12.2020 PD Dr. Daniel Abou-Ras, HZB (9-12 am Berlin time) - Possibilities and Limitations of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) on Halide Perovskites
    • 18.11.2020 Dr. Francesca Toma, Berkeley Lab at University of Carlifornia, US (at 4 pm Berlin time) - (Photo)electrocatalysis at Work: Understanding Chemical Transformations
    • 11.11.2020 Prof. David Tilley, University of Zurich, CH (at 10 am Berlin time) - Semiconductor-Heterojunction Approaches to Solar Water Splitting
    • 04.11.2020 Dr. Fatwa Firdaus Abdi, HZB (at 2 pm Berlin time) - Overcoming Material and Device Challenges in Solar Water Splitting
    • 09.09.2020 Dr. Sonya Calnan, HZB (at  2 pm Berlin time) - Towards high efficiency tandem hydrogen generation solar cells
    • 02.09.2020 Dr. Ronen Gottesman, HZB (at 2 pm Berlin time) - Overcoming Phase-purity Challenges in Complex Metal Oxide Photoelectrodes
    • 26.08.2020 Prof. Dan Oron, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel (at 2 pm Berlin time) - Coherent Low Frequency Raman Microspectroscopy
    • 19.08.2020 Prof. Menny Shalom, Ben Gurion University, Israel (at 2 pm Berlin time) - Synthesis of Carbon Nitride Based Materials for Solar Fuel Production 
    • 12.08.2020 Dr. Sivan Rafaely-Abramson, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel (at 2 pm Berlin time) - Exciton Phenomena in Functional Materials from Many-Body Perturbation Theory
    • 24.06.2020 Dr. Daniel Gravé, Ben Gurion University, Israel (at 2 pm Berlin time) - Extraction of the mobile charge carrier photogeneration yield spectrum in metal-oxide photoelectrodes
    • 17.06.2020 Dr. Omer Yaffe, Weizmann Institute of Science (at 2 pm Berlin time) Anharmonic Semiconductors - Lessons Learned from Halide Persovskites
    • 11.06.2020 Dr. Thomas Dittrich, HZB (at 2 pm Berlin time) Tutorial on surface photovoltage measurements
    • 04.06.2020 Prof. Christiane Becker, HZB (at 2 pm Berlin time) - Light management in perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells
    • 14.05.2020 Prof. Lioz Etgar, Hebrew University, Israel (at 2 pm Berlin time) - Low dimensional perovskite: stability, solar cells and nanostructures
    • 05.05.2020 Prof. Eva Unger, HZB (at 2 pm Berlin time) - The lifetime of perovskites. Part 1: Birth and Adolescence
    • 30.04.2020 Dr. Martin Stolterfoht, University of Potsdam (at 2pm Berlin time) - The efficiency potential of neat perovskite films and the role of interfaces in perovskite solar cells

Awards and other Hi-Score News

Past online meetings

HI-SCORE Online Meeting Nov 21st-23rd 2022

Please find the full program here


Hi-Score Transferrable Skills Course in November, 2021 continued from May/June

"Professional Development for Young Scientists" with hfp consulting


Hi-Score Transferrable Skills Course on Oct 27th-28th, 2021

Scientific Writing and Publishing of Journal articles

In this workshop, we will discuss how to navigate the different steps of publishing and how to deal with the peer review process, increasing the chances of acceptance


Hi-Score Transferrable Skills Course in May/June, 2021

"Professional Development for Young Scientists" with hfp consulting


Hi-Score Online Meeting on March 15th, 2021

Please find the full program here


Hi-Score Online Meeting on January 25th, 2021

Please find the full program here!


Joint Hi-Score and HyperCells Meeting Online 12.-14.10.2020

Please find the final program here!


You can find all pdf and video presentations on our HZB cloud Nubes. For access, please contact us directly.

Events of interest to the HI-SCORE community:

HI-SCORE in the media

Grüner Wasserstoff: Israelisch-deutsches Team löst das Rätsel um Rost

Bright Prospects

Forschen im Tandem mit Israel