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Hints about online access to journals and about inter-library loan

  • Scientific journals come in print editions, electronic editions or both.
  • Access rights to e-journals are purchased through paid licence agreements between the publisher and HZB. These agreements are in addition to any purchase of print editions. 
  • Access control happens through the IP number of your computer that accesses the publicher's site. Please note the hints (in german) about access to e-journals from non-HZB computers.
  • Should you find yourself locked out from any e-journal of your desire you may want to check the stock of print journals at HZB. Should you fail to find the desired journal also there you may order articles through inter-library loan - i.e. loan from other libraries.
  • Alternatively, e-journals are offered through a list of e-journals that is maintained by the library of the University of Regensburg.
  • In that list you can search for journal names or browse according to topics. The access rights at HZB are indicated as traffic light symbols - red (probably no access), yellow (access at HZB through purchased licence) and green (access to anyone, Open Access).
  • NOTE: Access may still be possible even though the traffic light shows red! Don't try this in actual traffic in the real world. Generally, for all journals licenced or not, you can access tables of content and the abstracts of papers no matter what the traffic light says.