• Shrestha, K.; Antonio, D.; Griveau, J.-C.; Prokes, K.; Gaczynski, P.; Colineau, E.; Caciuffo, R.; Gofryk, K.: Magnetic and electronic properties of NpPdSn. Physical Review Materials 2 (2018), p. 074401/1-10

Open Accesn Version

We have studied NpPdSn by means of the heat capacity, electrical resistivity, Seebeck and Hall effect, 237Np Mössbauer spectroscopy, and neutron diffraction measurements in the temperature range 2–300 K and under magnetic fields up to 14 T. NpPdSn orders antiferromagnetically below the Néel temperature TN=19K and shows localized magnetism of Np3+ ion with a doubly degenerate ground state. In the magnetic state the electrical resistivity and heat capacity are characterized by electron-magnon scattering with spin-waves spectrum typical of anisotropic antiferromagnets. An enhanced Sommerfeld coefficient and typical behavior of magnetorestistivity, Seebeck and Hall coefficients are all characteristic of systems with strong electronic correlations. The low temperature antiferromagnetic state of NpPdSn is verified by neutron diffraction and 237Np Mössbauer spectroscopy and possible magnetic structures are discussed.