Bouwman, W. G.; Plomp, J.; de Haan, V.O.; Kraan, W.H.; van Well, A.A.; Keller, T.; Habicht, K.; Rekveldt, M.T.: Real-space neutron scattering methods. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 586 (2008), p. 9-14
Using precession devices with tilted interfaces with respect to the polarised neutron beam enables measurement of structures by scattering. The scattering techniques can be small-angle neutron scattering, neutron diffraction and both specular and non-specular neutron reflectivity. We describe in this article all these techniques in a real-space concept. In all the techniques this concept describes in which direction structural information is obtained. In some cases the concept shows directly how to interpret the measured data in real-space.