Hassanein, R.; de Beer, F.; Kardjilov, N.; Lehmann, E.: Scattering correction algorithm for neutron radiography and tomography tested at facilities with different beam characteristics. Physica B 385-386 (2006), p. 1194-1196
A precise quantitative analysis with the neutron radiography technique of materials with a high-neutron scattering cross section, imaged at small distances from the detector, is impossible if the scattering contribution from the investigated material onto the detector is not eliminated in the right way. Samples with a high-neutron scattering cross section, e.g. hydrogenous materials such as water, cause a significant scattering component in their radiographs. Background scattering, spectral effects and detector characteristics are identified as additional causes for disturbances. A scattering correction algorithm based on Monte Carlo simulations has been developed and implemented to take these effects into account. The corrected radiographs can be used for a subsequent tomographic reconstruction. From the results one can obtain quantitative information, in order to detect e.g. inhomogeneity patterns within materials, or to measure differences of the mass thickness in these materials. Within an IAEA-CRP collaboration the algorithms have been tested for applicability on results obtained at the South African SANRAD facility at Necsa, the Swiss NEUTRA facilities at PSI as well as the German CONRAD facility at HMI, all with different initial neutron spectra. Results of a set of dedicated neutron radiography experiments are being reported.