Gora, A.; Abo-Bakr, M.; Dirsat, M.; Rehm, G.; Ries, M.: Beam-based characterization of a non-linear injection kicker at BESSY II. In: Ralph Assmann [Ed.] : IPAC'23 : Proceedings of the 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference ; Venice, Italy from 7 to 12 May 2023Geneva: JACoW, 2023. - ISBN 978-3-95450-231-8, p. MOPM075/1-3
Open Accesn Version

Top-up operation at BESSY II is performed with average injection efficiencies of 98 %. However, the four-kicker bump and the septum, that form the present injection system, both contribute to a distortion of the stored beam with an amplitude of about two millimeters for several thousand turns after injection. A non-linear injection kicker (NLK) could be used to reduce the distortion due to the kicker bump by a factor of approximately 30