Yao, W.; Xu, J.; Ma, L.; Lu, X.; Luo, D.; Qian, J.; Zhan, L.; Manke, I.; Yang, C.; Adelhelm, P.; Chen, R.: Recent Progress for Concurrent Realization of Shuttle-Inhibition and Dendrite-Free Lithium-Sulfur Batteries. Advanced Materials 35 (2023), p. 2212116/1-49
Lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries have become one of the most promisingnew-generation energy storage systems owing to their ultrahigh energydensity (2600 Wh kg−1), cost-effectiveness, and environmental friendliness.Nevertheless, their practical applications are seriously impeded by the shuttleeffect of soluble lithium polysulfides (LiPSs), and the uncontrolled dendritegrowth of metallic Li, which result in rapid capacity fading and battery safetyproblems. A systematic and comprehensive review of the cooperativecombination effect and tackling the fundamental problems in terms ofcathode and anode synchronously is still lacking. Herein, for the first time, thestrategies for inhibiting shuttle behavior and dendrite-free Li-S batteriessimultaneously are summarized and classified into three parts, including“two-in-one” S-cathode and Li-anode host materials toward Li-S full cell, “twobirds with one stone” modified functional separators, and tailoring electrolytefor stabilizing sulfur and lithium electrodes. This review also emphasizes thefundamental Li-S chemistry mechanism and catalyst principles for improvingelectrochemical performance; advanced characterization technologies tomonitor real-time LiPS evolution are also discussed in detail. The problems,perspectives, and challenges with respect to inhibiting the shuttle effect anddendrite growth issues as well as the practical application of Li-S batteries arealso proposed.