Seemann, K.M.; Gomonay, O.; Mokrousov, Y.; Hörner, A.; Valencia, S.; Klamser, P.; Kronast, F.; Erb, A.; Hindmarch, A.T.; Wixforth, A.; Marrows, C.H.; Fischer, P.: Magnetoelastic resonance as a probe for exchange springs at antiferromagnet-ferromagnet interfaces. Physical Review B 105 (2022), p. 144432/1-7
Open Accesn Version
In prototype ferromagnet-antiferromagnet interfaces we demonstrate that surface acoustic waves can be used to identify complex magnetic phases arising upon evolution of exchange springs in an applied. Applying sub-GHz surface acoustic waves to study the domain structure of the ferromagnetic layer in exchange-biased bilayers of Ir20Mn80-Co60Fe20B20, we are able to associate the magnetoelastic resonance with the presence of the exchange spin-spirals in both the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic layer. Our findings offer a complementary, integrative insight into emergent magnetic materials for applications of noncollinear spin textures in view of low-energy-consumption spintronic devices.