Gross, F.; Weigand, M.; Gangwar, A.; Werner, M.; Schütz, G.; Goering, E.J.; Back, C.H.; Gräfe, J.: Imaging magnonic frequency multiplication in nanostructured antidot lattices. Physical Review B 106 (2022), p. 014426/1-9
Open Accesn Version

Frequency multiplication is an essential part of electronics and optics which led to numerous indispensable applications. In this paper, we utilize a combination of scanning transmission x-ray microscopy and micromagnetic simulations to directly image magnonic frequency multiplication by means of dynamic real-space magnetization measurements. We experimentally demonstrate frequency multiplication up to the seventh order, which enables the generation of nanoscale spin waves at 6GHz with excitation frequencies of less than 1GHz. Good agreement between the experiment and micromagnetic simulations allows us to build a micromagnetic model capable of predicting conversion efficiencies and multiplexing capabilities of the system. Furthermore, simulations reveal that more than two rows of antidots do not increase the conversion efficiency substantially. By enabling magnonic multiplexing with low input frequencies while not exceeding the size of a few microns, the device will lead to numerous applications, further advancing the capabilities of magnonic data transmission.