New films about Berlin neutron source BER II

"The neutron researchers" and "Meet the neutrons" are the names of two brand-new HZB films about Berlin neutron source BER II. A third film, a two-minute animated short, answers the most relevant questions regarding the setup and the security issues surrounding the neutron source.

The first film, which is in English, is aimed mostly at BER II’s users, as well as, scientists from all disciplines who would like to find out more about the neutron source's different available measurement options. The film gives you a real sense of life and research at BER II and of the fact that user support is a top priority.

With the second film – this one's in German –, both HZB and our production company, Hoppenhaus & Grunze Media, are breaking new ground. The film’s intended audience is the general public interested in what we do here at HZB. Rather than show a series of images or give generic explanations, the audience is instead guided through the topics by "Neutronman," a very loveable cartoon character. The five-minute mixture of animation and real people in front of a camera ought to be fairly unique in the field of science communication.

Our audience members' opinions and suggestions about these films are most welcome and we are looking forward to hearing from everyone through user posts to our facebook page and on youtube, where both films will also be posted.


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