Announcement - International Summer School on Photovoltaics (Quantsol)
The International Summer School on Photovoltaics and New Concepts of Quantum Solar Energy Conversion takes place from 9th to 16th September 2012 in Hirschegg, Kleinwalsertal, Austria. Young postdocs, PhD students, and master students can apply by 10th June 2012.Details of the school’s program can be found on the website.
The Quantsol Summer School - established as a "must " for prospective solar scientists - is held for the 5th time. The school primarily addresses young postdocs, PhD students, and students in their final year at university with a strong interest in photovoltaics. During the 7-day program you get a comprehensive introduction to relevant topics in photovoltaics. Various Experts from leading international research institutes and universitys explain wide range of topics on the fundamental principles of the conversion of solar energy into chemical to the implementation of photovoltaics. Technical applications, material aspects and special analytic methods will be discussed additionally.