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Joint Research Group Theory of Electron Dynamics and Spectroscopy

Details on Positions

A PhD position on the theoretical project "Electrondynamics of the Interatomic Coulombic Electron Capture in Small Atomic Clusters" is offered. It is embedded in the interdisciplinary Freigeist project "Electron Dynamics of Ultrafast Energy Transfer Processes in Clusters of Real and Artificial Atoms Induced by Long-Range Electron Correlation" rewarded to the junior research group of Dr. Annika Bande in the Institute for Methods of Material Development and the Joint Lab JuLiq of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin and the Freie Universität Berlin.

The long-range correlation of electrons located on different atoms or molecules in clusters mediates various interesting energy transfer processes as e.g. the Interatomic Coulombic Electron Capture (ICEC). The theoretical investigation of such processes has been limited to electronic structure calculations of initial and final states married to an asymptotic scattering treatment of the processes’ dynamics or in cases supplemented by a nuclear dynamics investigation. In this PhD project electrondynamics calculations on ICEC in small atomic clusters shall be performed to gain information on the electronic structure at intermediate time steps and to explicitly include the continuum electrons. Calculations shall be also supplemented by in-house experiments.

The official PhD opening will appear later on the HZB webpage.


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