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Image Collection
You can insert larger quantities of images in three different ways: as a slideshow, image gallery and image list. You find the content element under insert content element > grey tab Media > Image collection. The images are placed in a folder under Media and the folder can be selected in the content element "Image collection".
The slideshow arranges the images horizontally. Click on the image to open the images in large size. In WIMS under Media the captions and the copyright are entered.
Images should not have extreme heights or widths in the original. The content element works best with no more than 800 pixels width and no more than 500 pixels height. If the gallery does not look good (as in the example), the images should be uniformly cropped or scaled before use.
The image list creates a vertical list of images. The caption is inserted in the caption under Media. This list can be used especially well for portraits, for example of the speakers of a workshop. Next to the picture (in the caption), the name, institute and abstract can be linked. The list is generated alphabetically by file name.