• Denker, A.; Bundesmann, J.; Damerow, T.; Dittwald, A.; Fanselow, T.; Hildebrand, D.; Hiller, U.; Kourkafas, G.; Ozierenski, S.; Röhrich, J.; Rössink, D.; Cordini, D.; Heufelder, J.; Seidel, S.; Stark, R.; Weber, A.: Status of the HZB Cyclotron. In: Tianjue Zhang ... [Ed.] : CYC2022 : Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Cyclotrons and their Applications, CIAE, Beijing, China and held remotelyGeneve: JACoW, 2023. - ISBN 978-3-95450-212-7, p. WEAO04/1-4

Open Accesn Version

For more than 20 years eye tumours are treated in collaboration with the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin. The close co-operation between Charité and HZB permits joint interdisciplinary research. Irradiations with either a sharp, well focused or a broad beam, either in vacuum or in air are possible with a proton beam of 68 MeV maximum energy, or a helium beam of 90 MeV. In the past few years, we concentrated on beam delivery for FLASH experiments and the related dosimetry. Artificial lenses have been irradiated under normal and FLASH conditions to investigate possible changes in the transparency. Furthermore, radiation hardness tests solar of cells for space have been performed. A modernization project has been started in order to secure a long term and sustainable operation of our accelerator complex for therapy and research. The accelerator operation for therapy as well as on-going experiments and results will be presented.