Lang, F.; Eperon, G.E.; Frohna, K.; Tennyson, E.M.; Al-Ashouri, A.; Kourkafas, G.; Bundesmann, J.; Denker, A.; West, K.G.; Hirst, L.C.; Neitzert, H.-C.; Stranks, S.D.: Proton-Radiation Tolerant All-Perovskite Multijunction Solar Cells. Advanced Energy Materials 11 (2021), p. 2102246/1-14
Open Accesn Version

Radiation-resistant but cost-efficient, flexible, and ultralight solar sheets with high specific power (W g−1) are the “holy grail” of the new space revolution, powering private space exploration, low-cost missions, and future habitats on Moon and Mars. Herein, this study investigates an all-perovskite tandem photovoltaic (PV) technology that uses an ultrathin active layer (1.56 µm) but offers high power conversion efficiency, and discusses its potential for high-specific-power applications. This study demonstrates that all-perovskite tandems possess a high tolerance to the harsh radiation environment in space. The tests under 68 MeV proton irradiation show negligible degradation (<6%) at a dose of 1013 p+ cm−2 where even commercially available radiation-hardened space PV degrade >22%. Using high spatial resolution photoluminescence (PL) microscopy, it is revealed that defect clusters in GaAs are responsible for the degradation of current space-PV. By contrast, negligible reduction in PL of the individual perovskite subcells even after the highest dose studied is observed. Studying the intensity-dependent PL of bare low-gap and high-gap perovskite absorbers, it is shown that the VOC, fill factor, and efficiency potentials remain identically high after irradiation. Radiation damage of all-perovskite tandems thus has a fundamentally different origin to traditional space PV.