13 trainees start their careers at HZB

Mit einer gemeinsamen Begrüßungsveranstaltung starteten die Azubis am HZB.

Mit einer gemeinsamen Begrüßungsveranstaltung starteten die Azubis am HZB. © HZB/S. Zerbe

A new phase of life began for 13 young people on 2 September: HZB welcomed five new trainees, six students on dual study programmes and two participants in a Voluntary Year of Science. They all are starting their careers with great anticipation.

 "You have made a good choice by choosing HZB," said Thomas Frederking, Administrative Director of HZB, at the welcoming event. "Here you will meet motivated and very experienced trainers and work in an exciting environment. HZB has been able to celebrate many successes in training in recent years". The conditions are good, but everyone is also responsible for getting the best out of this new stage in their lives. Success depends on good co-operation and mutual give and take.

After a brief introduction to research at the HZB and the presentation of the youth and trainee representatives, the trainees and students got straight down to business: in addition to lunch together, team building was on the programme. The day before, the new employees visited the BESSY II X-ray source at the Adlershof site and then got to know the Wannsee site on a tour.

We would like to welcome:

  • one trainee for office management
  • one cook trainee
  • three trainees as IT specialists
  • four dual students of computer science
  • one dual student of radiation technology
  • one dual student of mechanical engineering
  • two participants in a scientific-technical year

We wish them all the best for a successful start and a good settling in!

Interested in an apprenticeship or a dual study place next year?

Then take a look at the training website to see which professions we offer and take note of our job offers soon. 



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