Publications 2018
Amkreutz, D.; Preissler, N.; Thi-Trinh, C.; Trahms, M.; Sonntag, P.; Schlatmann, R.; Rech, B.:
Influence of the precursor layer composition and deposition processes on the electronic quality of liquid phase crystallized silicon absorbers. Progress in Photovoltaics 26 (2018), p. 524-532
doi: 10.1002/pip.2953
Awino, C.; Odari, V.; Dittrich, T.; Prajongtat, P.; Sakwa, T.; Rech, B.:
Correction:Investigation of Structural and Electronic Properties of CH3NH3PbI3 Stabilized by Varying Concentrations of Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) (PMMA). Coatings 8 (2018), p. 452/1-2
doi: 10.3390/coatings8120452
Open Access (external provider)
Babichuk, I.S.; Golovynskyi, S.; Brus, V.V.; Babichuk, I.V.; Datsenko, O.; Li, J.; Xu, G.; Golovynska, I.; Hreshchuk, O.M.; Orletskyi, I.G.; Qu, J.; Yukhymchuk, V.O.; Maryanchuk, P.D.:
Secondary phases in Cu2ZnSnS4 films obtained by spray pyrolysis at different substrate temperatures and Cu contents. Materials Letters 216 (2018), p. 173-175
doi: 10.1016/j.matlet.2018.01.010
Bergmann, N.; Bonhommeau, S.; Lange, K.; Greil, S.; Eisebitt, S.; De Groot, F.; Chergui, M.; Aziz, E.:
Retraction: On the enzymatic activity of catalase: an iron L-edge X-ray absorption study of the active centre. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (2018), p. 16294
doi: 10.1039/c8cp91772h
Open Access
Beyer, W.; Andrä, G.; Bergmann, J.; Breuer, U.; Finger, F.; Gawlik, A.; Haas, S.; Lambertz, A.; Maier, F.; Nickel, N.H.; Zastrow, U.:
Temperature and hydrogen diffusion length in hydrogenated amorphous silicon films on glass while scanning with a continuous wave laser at 532 nm wavelength. Journal of Applied Physics 124 (2018), p. 153103/1-16
doi: 10.1063/1.5038090
Open Access (external provider)
Braunger, S.; Mundt, L.E.; Wolff, C.M.; Mews, M.; Rehermann, C.; Jost, M.; Tejada, A.; Eisenhauer, D.; Becker, C.; Guerra, J.A.; Unger, E. L.; Korte, L.; Neher, D.; Schubert, M.; Rech, B.; Albrecht, S.:
CsxFA1–xPb(l1–yBry)3 Perovskite Compositions: the Appearance of Wrinkled Morphology and its Impact on Solar Cell Performance. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (2018), p. 17123-17135
doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b06459
Open Access
Brus, V. V.; Lang, F.; Fengler, S.; Dittrich, T.; Rappich, J.; Nickel, N. H.:
Doping Effects and Charge-Transfer Dynamics at Hybrid Perovskite/Graphene Interfaces. Advanced Materials Interfaces 5 (2018), p. 1800826/1-7
doi: 10.1002/admi.201800826
Brus, V.V.; Gluba, M.A.; Rappich, J.; Lang, F.; Kovalyuk, Z.; Maryanchuk, P.; Nickel, N. H.:
Fine Art of Thermoelectricity. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10 (2018), p. 4737-4742
doi: 10.1021/acsami.7b17491
Open Access (external provider)
Chen, D.; Manley, P.; Tockhorn, P.; Eisenhauer, D.; Köppel, G.; Hammerschmidt, M.; Burger, S.; Albrecht, S.; Becker, C.; Jäger, K.:
Nanophotonic light management for perovskite–silicon tandem solar cells. Journal of Photonics for Energy 8 (2018), p. 022601/1-14
doi: 10.1117/1.JPE.8.022601
Open Access
Chen, R.; Fan, F.; Dittrich, T.; Li, C.:
Imaging photogenerated Charge carriers on surfaces and interfaces of photocatalysts with surface photovoltage microscopy. Chemical Society Reviews 47 (2018), p. 8238-8262
doi: 10.1039/C8CS00320C
Chistiakova, G.; Mews, M.; Wilks, R.G.; Bär, M.; Korte, L.:
In-system photoelectron spectroscopy study of tin oxide layers produced from tetrakis(dimethylamino)tin by plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 36 (2018), p. 02D401/1-6
doi: 10.1116/1.5015967
Open Access
Cruz, A.; Neubert, S.; Morales-Vilches, A.B.; Erfurt, D.; Körner, S.; Ruske, F.; Stannowski, B.; Szyszka, B.; Schlatmann, R.:
Optoelectronic Performance of TCO on Silicon Heterojunction Rear-Emitter Solar Cells. In: Proceedings : EU PVSEC 2018, 35th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition : 24-28 September 2018, SQUARE - Brussels Meeting Centre, Brussels, BelgiumEUPVSEC, 2018. - ISBN 3-936338-50-7, p. 452-455
doi: 10.4229/35thEUPVSEC20182018-2DO.2.2
Open Access
Dittrich, T.:
Materials Concepts for Solar Cells. 2. edition. Singapore: World Scientific, 2018. - ISBN 978-1-78634-448-9, p. 568
Eisenhauer, D.; Rech, B.; Becker, C.:
Mitigating optical losses in crystalline silicon thin-film solar cells on glass. In: 2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC)IEEE, 2018. - ISBN 978-1-5386-8529-7, p. 309-313
doi: 10.1109/PVSC.2018.8548223
Open Access
Eisenhauer, D.; Sai, H.; Matsui, T.; Köppel, G.; Rech, B.; Becker, C.:
Honeycomb micro-textures for light trapping in multi-crystalline silicon thin-film solar cells. Optics Express 26 (2018), p. A498-A507
doi: 10.1364/OE.26.00A498
Essig, S.; Dréon, J.; Rucavado, E.; Mews, M.; Koida, T.; Boccard, M.; Werner, J.; Geissbühler, J.; Löper, P.; Morales-Masis, M.; Korte, L.; de Wolf, S.; Ballif, C.:
Toward Annealing-Stable Molybdenum-Oxide-Based Hole-Selective Contacts For Silicon Photovoltaics. Solar RRL 2 (2018), p. 1700227/1-5
doi: 10.1002/solr.201700227
Open Access
Félix, R.; Llobera-Vila, N.; Hartmann, C.; Klimm, C.; Hartig, M.; Wilks, R.; Bär, M.:
Preparation and in-system study of SnCl2 precursor layers: towards vacuum-based synthesis of Pb-free perovskites. RSC Advances 8 (2018), p. 67-73
doi: 10.1039/c7ra12172e
Open Access
Furchner, A.; Walder, C.; Zellmeier, M.; Rappich, J.; Hinrichs, K.:
Broadband infrared Mueller-matrix ellipsometry for studies of structured surfaces and thin films. Applied Optics 57 (2018), p. 7895-7904
doi: 10.1364/AO.57.007895
Garud, S.; Gampa, N.; Allen, T.; Kotipalli, R.; Flandre, D.; Batuk, M.; Hadermann, J.; Meuris, M.; Poortmans, J.; Smets, A.; Vermang, B.:
Surface Passivation of CIGS Solar Cells Using Gallium Oxide. Physica Status Solidi A 215 (2018), p. 1700826/1-6
doi: 10.1002/pssa.201700826
Open Access
Heinemann, M.D.; Kodalle, T.; Hages, C.; Klupsch, M.; Greiner, D.; Korte, L.; Levcenco, S.; Unold, T.; Schlatmann, R.; Kaufmann, C.A.:
Evaluation of recombination losses in thin film solar cells using an LED sun simulator - the effect of RbF post-deposition on CIGS solar cells. EPJ Photovoltaics 9 (2018), p. 9/1-6
doi: 10.1051/epjpv/2018006
Open Access
Jäger, K.; Chen, D.; Tockhorn, P.; Eisenhauer, D.; Köppel, G.; Manley, P.; Hammerschmidt, M.; Burger, S.; Albrecht, S.; Becker, C.:
Antireflective nanotextures for monolithic perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells. In: Ralf B. Wehrspohn, Alexander N. Sprafke [Ed.] : Photonics for Solar Energy Systems VII : 23-25 April 2018, Strasbourg, France Bellingham, Wash.: SPIE, 2018 (Proceedings of SPIE ; 10688). - ISBN 978-1-5106-1902-9, p. 10688A/1-7
doi: 10.1117/12.2306142
Open Access
Jošt, M.; Köhnen, E.; Morales-Vilches, A.B.; Lipovšek, B.; Jäger, K.; Macco, B.; Al-Ashouri, A.; Krc, J.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.; Schlatmann, R.; Topic, M.; Stannowski, B.; Albrecht, S.:
Textured interfaces in monolithic perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells: advanced light management for improved efficiency and energy yield. Energy & Environmental Science 11 (2018), p. 3511-3523
doi: 10.1039/C8EE02469C
Open Access
Kidakova, A.; Reut, J.; Rappich, J.; Öpik, A.; Syritski, V.:
Preparation of a surface-grafted protein-selective polymer film by combined use of controlled/living radical photopolymerization and microcontact imprinting. Reactive and Functional Polymers 125 (2018), p. 47-56
doi: 10.1016/j.reactfunctpolym.2018.02.004
Kot, M.; Kegelmann, L.; Das, C.; Kus, P.; Tsud, N.; Matolinova, I.; Albrecht, S.; Matolin, V.; Schmeisser, D.:
Room Temperature Atomic Layer Deposited Al2O3 Improves the Efficiency of Perovskite Solar Cells over Time. ChemSusChem 11 (2018), p. 3640-3648
doi: 10.1002/cssc.201801434
Kovaliuk, T.T.; Solovan, M.M.; Parfenyuk, O.A.; Brus, V.V.; Koziarskyi, I.P.; Maryanchuk, P.D.:
Influence of technological conditions on optical and structural properties of molybdenum oxide thin films. In: Oleg V. Angelsky [Ed.] : Thirteenth International Conference on Correlation Optics : 11-15 September 2017, Chernivsti, UkraineBellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE, 2018 Proceedings of SPIE ; 10612. - ISBN 978-1-5106-1727-8, p. 1061210/1-3
doi: 10.1117/12.2304772
Kühnapfel, S.; Harten, P.; Gall, S.:
Continuous-Wave Line Laser for Large Area Material Refinement : high performance technology made in Germany. Optik & Photonik 13 (2018), p. 33-36
doi: 10.1002/opph.201800032
Open Access
Lang, F.; Shargaieva, O.; Brus, V.; Neitzert, H.C.; Rappich, J.; Nickel, N.H.:
Influence of Radiation on the Properties and the Stability of Hybrid Perovskites. Advanced Materials 30 (2018), p. 1702905/1-22
doi: 10.1002/adma.201702905
Open Access
Lang, F.; Shargaieva, O.; Brus, V.V.; Rappich, J.; Nickel, N.H.:
Creation and annealing of metastable defect states in CH3NH3PbI3 at low temperatures. Applied Physics Letters 112 (2018), p. 081102/1-3
doi: 10.1063/1.5019921
Open Access
Lossen, J.; Hoß, J.; Eisert, S.; Amkreutz, D.; Muske, M.; Plantz, J.; Andrä, G.:
Electron Beam Evaporation of Silicon for Poly-Silicon/SiO2 Passivated Contacts. In: Proceedings : EU PVSEC 2018, 35th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition : 24-28 September 2018, SQUARE - Brussels Meeting Centre, Brussels, BelgiumEUPVCEC, 2018. - ISBN 3-936338-50-7, p. 418-421
doi: 10.4229/35thEUPVSEC20182018-2CO.10.5
MacQueen, R.W.; Liebhaber, M.; Niederhausen, J.; Mews, M.; Gersmann, C.; Jäckle, S.; Jäger, K.; Tayebjee, M.J.Y.; Schmidt, T.W.; Rech, B.; Lips, K.:
Crystalline silicon solar cells with tetracene interlayers: the path to silicon-singlet fission heterojunction devices. Materials Horizons 5 (2018), p. 1065-1075
doi: 10.1039/C8MH00853A
Open Access
Maslyanchuk, O.; Solovan, M.; Brus, V.; Maryanchuk, P.; Maistruk, E.; Fodchuk, I.; Gnatyuk, V.; Aoki, T.; Lambropoulos, C.; Potiriadis, C.:
Performance Comparison of X-and gammy-Ray CdTe Detectors with MoOx, TiOx, and TiN Schottky Contacts. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 65 (2018), p. 1365-1370
doi: 10.1109/TNS.2018.2838766
Maslyanchuk, O.; Solovan, M.; Maistruk, E.; Brus, V.; Maryanchuk, P.; Gnatyuk, V.; Aoki, T.:
Prospects of In/CdTe X- and gammy-ray detectors with MoO Ohmic contacts. In: Oleg V. Angelsky [Ed.] : Thirteenth International Conference on Correlation Optics : 11-15 September 2017, Chernivsti, Ukraine Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE, 2018 (Proceedings of SPIE ; 10612). - ISBN 978-1-5106-1727-8, p. 10612 0V/1-6
doi: 10.1117/12.2305085
Mazzarella, L.; Morales-Vilches, A.B.; Hendrichs, M.; Kirner, S.; Korte, L.; Schlatmann, R.; Stannowski, B.:
Nanocrystalline n-Type Silicon Oxide Front Contacts for Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells: Photocurrent Enhancement on Planar and Textured Substrates. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 8 (2018), p. 70-80
doi: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2017.2770164
Mazzarella, L.; Morales-Vilches, A.B.; Korte, L.; Schlatmann, R.; Stannowski, B.:
Ultra-thin nanocrystalline n-type silicon oxide front contact layers for rear-emitter silicon heterojunction solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 179 (2018), p. 386-391
doi: 10.1016/j.solmat.2018.01.034
Open Access (external provider)
Mazzarella, L.; Werth, M.; Jäger, K.; Jošt, M.; Korte, L.; Albrecht, S.; Schlatmann, R.; Stannowski, B.:
Infrared photocurrent management in monolithic perovskite/silicon heterojunction tandem solar cells by using a nanocrystalline silicon oxide interlayer. Optics Express 26 (2018), p. A487-A497
doi: 10.1364/OE.26.00A487
Menzel, D.; Mews, M.; Rech, B.; Korte, L.:
Electronic structure of indium-tungsten-oxide alloys and their energy band alignment at the heterojunction to crystalline silicon. Applied Physics Letters 112 (2018), p. 011602/1-5
doi: 10.1063/1.5010278
Open Access
Morales-Vilches, A.B.; Cruz, A.; Pingel, S.; Neubert, S.; Mazzarella, L.; Meza, D.; Korte, L.; Schlatmann, R.; Stannowski, B.:
ITO-Free Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells With ZnO:Al/SiO2Front Electrodes Reaching a Conversion Efficiency of 23%. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 9 (2018), p. 34-39
doi: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2018.2873307
Open Access
Morales-Vilches, A.B.; Decker, D.; Mazzarella, L.; Korte, L.; Schlatmann, R.; Sontag, D.; Stannowski, B.:
Nanocrystalline n-Type Silicon Front Surface Field Layers: From Research to Industry Applications in Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells. In: Proceedings : EU PVSEC 2018, 35th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition : 24-28 September 2018, SQUARE - Brussels Meeting Centre, Brussels, BelgiumEUPVSEC, 2018. - ISBN 3-936338-50-7, p. 422-425
doi: 10.4229/35thEUPVSEC20182018-2CO.11.1
Open Access
Morales-Vilches, A.B.; Larionova, Y.; Wietler, T.; Cruz, A.; Korte, L.; Peibst, R.; Brendel, R.; Schlatmann, R.; Stannowski, B.:
ZnO:Al/a-SiOx front contact for polycrystalline-silicon-on-oxide (POLO) solar cells. AIP Conference Proceedings 1999 (2018), p. 040016/1-6
doi: 10.1063/1.5049279
Muydinov, R.; Seeger, S.; Vinoth Kumar, S.; Klimm, C.; Kraehnert, R.; Wagner, M.; Szyszka, B.:
Crystallisation behaviour of CH3NH3PbI3 films: The benefits of sub-second flash lamp annealing. Thin Solid Films 653 (2018), p. 204-214
doi: 10.1016/j.tsf.2018.03.050
Parkhomenko, H.; Solovan, M.; Brus, V.; Maystruk, E.; Maryanchuk, P.D.:
Structural, electrical, and photoelectric properties of p-NiO/n-CdTe heterojunctions. Optical Engineering 57 (2018), p. 017116/1-
doi: 10.1117/1.OE.57.1.017116
Parvan, V.; Mizrak, A.; Majumdar, I.; Ümsür, B.; Calvet, W.; Greiner, D.; Kaufmann, C.A.; Dittrich, T.; Avancini, E.; Lauermann, I.:
Cu(In,Ga)Se2 surface treatment with Na and NaF: A combined photoelectron spectroscopy and surface photovoltage study in ultra-high vacuum. Applied Surface Science 444 (2018), p. 436-441
doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2018.03.014
Open Access
Prajongtat, P.; Dittrich, T.; Hinrichs, K.; Rappich, J.:
Thickness of AVA+ Controls the Direction of Charge Transfer at TiO2/PbI2 Interfaces. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (2018), p. 5020-5025
doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b00579
Prajongtat, P.; Hannongbua, S.:
A combined theoretical and experimental study of CH3NH3PbI3 Containing AVAI films prepared via an intramolecular exchange process. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (2018), p. 19705-19711
doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b06160
Preissler, N.; Amkreutz, D.; Dulanto, J.; Töfflinger, J.A.; Thi Trinh, C.; Trahms, M.; Abou-Ras, D.; Kirmse, H.; Weingärtner, R.; Rech, B.; Schlatmann, R.:
Passivation of Liquid-Phase Crystallized Silicon With PECVD-SiNx and PECVD-SiNx/SiOx. Physica Status Solidi A 215 (2018), p. 1800239/1-9
doi: 10.1002/pssa.201800239
Preissler, N.; Trinh, C.T.; Trahms, M.; Sonntag, P.; Abou-Ras, D.; Kirmse, H.; Schlatmann, R.; Rech, B.; Amkreutz, D.:
Impact of Dielectric Layers on Liquid-Phase Crystallized Silicon Solar Cells. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 8 (2018), p. 30-37
doi: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2017.2768960
Ran, N.A.; Love, J.A.; Heiber, M.C.; Jiao, X.; Hughes, M.P.; Karki, A.; Wang, M.; Brus, V.V.; Wang, H.; Neher, D.; Ade, H.; Bazan, G.C.; Nguyen, T.-Q.:
Charge Generation and Recombination in an Organic Solar Cell with Low Energetic Offsets. Advanced Energy Materials 8 (2018), p. 1701073/1-12
doi: 10.1002/aenm.201701073
Rappich, J.; Hinrichs, K.; Sun, G.; Zhang, X.:
Application of In-Situ IR-Ellipsometry in Silicon Electrochemistry to Study Ultrathin Films. In: Karsten Hinrichs ... [Ed.] : Ellipsometry of functional organic surfaces and films / second editionCham: Springer, 2018 (Springer series in surface sciences ; 52). - ISBN 978-3-319-75894-7, p. 459-479
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-75895-4_20
Roodenko, K.; Aureau, D.; Yang, F.; Thissen, P.; Rappich, J.:
Characterization of Thin Organic Films with Surface-Sensitive FTIR Spectroscopy. In: Karsten Hinrichs ... [Ed.] : Ellipsometry of functional organic surfaces and films / second editionCham: Springer, 2018 (Springer series in surface sciences ; 52). - ISBN 978-3-319-75894-7, p. 483-503
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-75895-4_21
Schultz, C.; Schneider, F.; Neubauer, A.; Bartelt, A.; Jost, M.; Rech, B.; Schlatmann, R.; Albrecht, S.; Stegemann, B.:
Evidence of PbI-2-Containing Debris Upon P2 Nanosecond Laser Patterning of Perovskite Solar Cells. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 8 (2018), p. 1244-1251
doi: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2018.2858934
Open Access
Sonntag, P.; Bocalic, M.; Preissler, N.; Amkreutz, D.; Rech, B.; Topic, M.:
Liquid phase crystallized silicon - A holistic absorber quality assessment. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 181 (2018), p. 2-8
doi: 10.1016/j.solmat.2017.08.019
Open Access (external provider)
Stannowski, B.; Mazzarella, L.; Lin, Y.-H.; Kirner, S.; Morales-Vilches, A.B.; Korte, L.; Albrecht, S.; Crossland, E.; Case, C.; Snaith, H.; Schlatmann, R.:
Nanocrystalline silicon oxide interlayer in monolithic perovskite/silicon heterojunction tandem solar cells with total current density >39 mA/cm². In: 2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC)IEEE, 2018. - ISBN 978-1-5386-8530-3, p. 2627-2630
doi: 10.1109/PVSC.2018.8547825
Open Access
Stegemann, B.; Balamou, P.; Lussky, Th.; Gad, K.; Fössing, D.; Kasemann, M.; Angermann, H.:
Passivation of Crystalline Silicon Wafers by Ultrathin Oxide Layers: Comparison of Wet-chemical, Plasma and Thermal Oxidation Techniques. In: Proceedings IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC)IEEE, 2018. - ISBN 978-1-5386-8529-7/18, p. 2779-2782
doi: 10.1109/PVSC.2018.8548154
Tejada, A.; Braunger, S.; Korte, L.; Albrecht, S.; Rech, B.; Guerra, J.A.:
Optical characterization and bandgap engineering of flat and wrinkle-textured FA0.83Cs0.17Pb(I1-xBrx)3 perovskite thin films. Journal of Applied Physics 123 (2018), p. 175302/1-7
doi: 10.1063/1.5025728
Open Access
Trinh, C.T.; Bokalic, M.; Preissler, N.; Trahms, M.; Schlatmann, R.; Amkreutz, D.; Topic, M.:
Influence of doping concentration and contact geometry on the performance of interdigitated back-contact silicon heterojunction of liquid phase crystalline silicon on glass. In: 2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC)IEEE, 2018. - ISBN 978-1-5386-8529-7, p. 3218-3222
doi: 10.1109/PVSC.2018.8547408
Trinh, C.T.; Preissler, N.; Sonntag, P.; Muske, M.; Jäger, K.; Trahms, M.; Schlatmann, R.; Rech, B.; Amkreutz, D.:
Potential of interdigitated back-contact silicon heterojunction solar cells for liquid phase crystallized silicon on glass with efficiency above 14%. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 174 (2018), p. 187-195
doi: 10.1016/j.solmat.2017.08.042
Open Access
Trinh, C.T.; Schlatmann, R.; Rech, B.; Amkreutz, D.:
Progress in and potential of liquid phase crystallized silicon solar cells. Solar Energy 175 (2018), p. 75-83
doi: 10.1016/j.solener.2017.12.041
Open Access
Wagner, P.; Stang, J.-C.; Mews, M.; Morales-Vilches, A.B.; Stannowski, B.; Stegemann, B.; Korte, L.:
Interdigitated back contact silicon heterojunction solar cells: Towards an industrially applicable structuring method. AIP Conference Proceedings 1999 (2018), p. 60001/1-7
doi: 10.1063/1.5049299
Open Access
Zellmeier, M.; Brenner, T.J.K.; Janietz, S.; Nickel, N.; Rappich, J.:
Polythiophenes as emitter layers for crystalline silicon solar cells: Parasitic absorption, interface passivation, and open circuit voltage. Journal of Applied Physics 123 (2018), p. 033102/1-5
doi: 10.1063/1.5006625