Forberich, K.; Albrecht, S.; Castriotta, L.A.; Distler, A.; Hauch, J.; Kirchartz, T.; Paetzold, U.W.; Schorr, S.n; Sprau, C.; Stannowski, B.; Ternes, S.; Unger, E.; Unold, T.; Brabec, C.J.: A Stage-Gate Framework for Upscaling of Single-Junction Perovskite Photovoltaics. Advanced Energy Materials early view (2025), p. 2404036/1-8
Open Access Version

To address the challenge of upscaling single-junction perovskite photovoltaics (PV) toward market-relevant performance in a structured and efficient manner, a stage-gate approach that divides the process into stages according to technology readiness levels (TRLs) is proposed. Whereas the first stage contains only material research, the later stages are concerned with the development from lab-scale devices to large-area modules, and properties such as device size as well as processing methods are adapted step-by-step toward commercializable techniques. The stages are connected by gates that specify the criteria that must be met for a material or process to be transferred to the next stage. In addition, a literature survey for the keywords “perovskite” and “module” is performed. This analysis shows that most of the reported modules have an area between 10 cm2 and 20 cm2, corresponding to stage 3 or TRL 5 in the scheme, and operational stability is often incompletely reported. These findings analysis indicate a significant gap in the research focus on large-area modules and elevated stress and field tests, which are essential for transitioning to commercial applications. It is suggested to use the proposed stage-gate process as an efficient and structured guideline toward commercializing perovskite PV.