Intersolar Europe / EU PVSEC / 7th IW-CIGSTech Workshop 2016 – Munich, 20-24 June 2016



We cordially invite you to visit the HZB booth during Intersolar Europe - The world’s leading exhibition for the solar industry and its partners from 22 to 24 June 2016 in Munich, Germany. Also the online registration is open for the EU-PVSEC and we invite you to join the 7th IW-CIGSTech Workshop and Dinner on 23 June 2016, a joint meeting from HZB and ZSW organised as a parallel event of the EU-PVSEC.

Please notice the details:

The Intersolar Europeexhibition focuses on the areas of photovoltaics, PV production technologies, energy storage systems and renewable heating. Since its founding, it has become the most important industry platform for manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, service providers and partners of the solar industry.
HZB-Booth Number: B2.671

In 2016 for the first time, the EU-PVSEC Conference, the world’s largest international conference for photovoltaic research, technologies and applications will take place at the same time and in the same location as Intersolar Europe from 20 to 24 June 2016. 

Online registration for the EU-PVSEC is open. Regular registration fees are available until 18 June 2016.

Last but not least, we would like to invite you to join the 7th IW-CIGSTech Workshop and Dinner on 23 June 2016, a joint meeting from HZB and ZSW organised as a parallel event of the EU-PVSEC. IW-CIGSTech 7 will be an international workshop focussing on CIGS solar cell technology, combining scientific and technological aspects with their industrial applications. The workshop will consist of invited talks, discussions and poster presentations. Please note that the programme of the workshop will be fully complementary to the main Conference programme topics.

For additional information and updates, please check the links below.

Regarding the HZB booth please contact:

Sophie Spangenberger
Tel. +49 30 8062-14992

We look forward to meeting you in Munich.

Intersolar Europe:
7th IW-CIGSTech Workshop:

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