Publikationen 2022
Förste, F.; Bauer, L.; Heimler, K.; Hansel, B.; Vogt, C.; Kanngießer, B.; Mantouvalou, I.:
Quantification routines for full 3D elemental distributions of homogeneous and layered samples obtained with laboratory confocal micro XRF spectrometers. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 37 (2022), p. 1687-1695
doi: 10.1039/d2ja00119e
Open Access
Staeck, S.; Andrle, A.; Hoenicke, P.; Baumann, J.; Groetzsch, D.; Weser, J.; Goetzke, G.; Jonas, A.; Kayser, Y.; Foerste, F.; Mantouvalou, I.; Viefhaus, J.; Soltwisch, V.; Stiel, H.; Beckhoff, B.; Kanngiesser, B.:
Scan-Free GEXRF in the Soft X-ray Range for the Investigation of Structured Nanosamples. Nanomaterials 12 (2022), p. 3766/1-13
doi: 10.3390/nano12213766
Open Access