Ushakov, A.; Echevarria, P.; Neumann, A.: Developing Kalman filter based detuning control with a digital SRF Cavity simulator. In: Shane Koscielniak ... [Ed.] : IPAC2018 : Proceedings of the 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, Canada, April 29–May 4, 2018Geneve: JaCoW, 2018. - ISBN 978-3-95450-184-7, p. WEPAK012/2114-2117
Open Access Version

Continuous wave operated superconducting cavities ex-periencing small net beam loading and thus operate poten-tially at narrow bandwidth require precise detuning control to reach the high stability requirements for RF fields within facilities such as FEL or ERL based photon sources. Mi-crophonics compensation down to sub-hertz detuning re-gime not only improves stability but reduces the risk of raising the Lorentz force detuning driven ponderomotive instabilities. Usually, the complex and second order nature of the mechanical to RF detuning transfer functions of the cavity and cavity-tuner system require more advanced con-trol schemes. In this paper, we will show the application of a Kalman filter (KF) based detuning estimator algorithm, first introduced during IPAC2017 [1] to the SRF cavity simulator developed at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin [2].