Ushakov, A.; Echevarria, P.; Neumann, A.: Detuning Compensation in SC Cavities Using Kalman Filters. In: Gianluigi Arduini ... [Ed.] : IPAC2017 - Proceedings, Copenhagen, DenmarkJaCOW, 2017. - ISBN 978-3-95450-182-3, p. THPAB095/1-3
Open Access Version

At Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin two projects are being developed where continuous wave driven SRF cavities are being implemented: bERLinPro and BESSY-VSR. The almost negligible beam loading in these systems, allow operating at high loaded quality factors and thus narrow bandwidths. Thereby, microphonics’ influence on the frequency response will dominate the performance of the cavities and the amount of needed forward power. The LTI model describing the cavity’s field state is now a time varying system as detuning changes the state of the cavity. Moreover, the received feedback data like transmitted or reflected power will suffer from sensor errors and noises either inherent or caused by the environment. The mentioned uncertainties could be reduced by applying a mathematical process called Kalman filtering. As the object law is well known but not ideal in this case, the role of filter is to judge about which data is more trustworthy under “real” system conditions: theoretical value or the obtained measured. We have designed a Kalman Filter (KF) implementation dedicated for use in mTCA control system as a part of microphonics suppression subsystem. Here the method, design and first data test results are going to be presented.