• Kramer, F.; Keckert, S.; Kugeler, O.; Knobloch, J.; Kubo, T.: Study of the Dynamics of Flux Trapping in Different SRF Materials. In: Kenji Saito ... [Ed.] : SRF2023 : Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on RF Superconductivity, Grand Rapids, MichiganGeneve: JACoW, 2023. - ISBN 978-3-95450-234-9, p. TUCXA01/380-387

Open Access Version

A dedicated experimental setup to measure magnetic fux dynamics and trapped fux in samples is used to precisely map out how trapped fux is infuenced by dierent parameters. The setup allows or rapid thermal cycling o the sample so that eects o cooldown parameters can be investigated in detail. We show how temperature gradient, cooldown rate, and the magnitude o external eld infuence trapped fux in large-grain, ne-grain and coated niobium samples. The detailed measurements show unexpected results, namely that too ast cooldowns increase trapped fux, large-grain material traps fux only when the external eld is larger than a temperature gradient dependent threshold eld, and the measured dependence o trapped fux on temperature gradient does not agree with an existing model. Thereore, a new model is presented which agrees better with the measured results.