Kramer, F.; Keckert, S.; Kugeler, O.; Knobloch, J.: Systematic Investigation of Flux Trapping Dynamics in Niobium Samples. In: Frank Zimmermann ... [Ed.] : IPAC2022 : Proceedings of the 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference, in Bangkok, Thailand, 12–17 June 2022Geneva: JACoW, 2022. - ISBN 978-3-95450-227-1, p. TUPOTK006/1-4
Open Access Version

Trapped magnetic flux in superconducting cavities can significantly increase surface resistance, and, thereby, limits the cavities’ performance. To reduce trapped flux in cavities, a better understanding of the fundamental mechanism of flux trapping is vital. We develop a new experimental design: measuring magnetic flux density at 15 points just above a niobium sheet of dimensions (100 x 60 x 3) mm with a time resolution of up to 2 ms and a flux resolution better than 0.5 μT. This setup allows us to control the temperature gradient and cooldown rate, both independently of each other, as well as the magnitude and direction of an external magnetic field. We present data gathered on a large-grain sample as well as on a fine-grain sample. Our data suggests that not only the temperature gradient but also the cooldown rate affects trapped flux. Additionally, we detect a non-trivial relationship between trapped flux and magnitude of applied field.