Li, Q.; Ning, D.; Wong, D.; An, K.; Tang, Y.; Zhou, D.; Schuck, G.; Chen, Z.; Zhang, N.; Liu, X.: Improving the oxygen redox reversibility of Li-rich battery cathode materials via Coulombic repulsive interactions strategy. Nature Communications 13 (2022), p. 1123/1-13
Open Access Version

The oxygen redox reaction in lithium-rich layered oxide battery cathode materials generates extra capacity at high cell voltages (i.e., >4.5 V). However, the irreversible oxygen release causes transition metal (TM) dissolution, migration and cell voltage decay. To circumvent these issues, we introduce a strategy for tuning the Coulombic interactions in a model Li-rich positive electrode active material, i.e., Li1.2Mn0.6Ni0.2O2. In particular, we tune the Coulombic repulsive interactions to obtain an adaptable crystal structure that enables the reversible distortion of TMO6 octahedron and mitigates TM dissolution and migration. Moreover, this strategy hinders the irreversible release of oxygen and other parasitic reactions (e.g., electrolyte decomposition) commonly occurring at high voltages. When tested in non-aqueous coin cell configuration, the modified Li-rich cathode material, combined with a Li metal anode, enables a stable cell discharge capacity of about 240 mAh g−1 for 120 cycles at 50 mA g−1 and a slower voltage decay compared to the unmodified Li1.2Mn0.6Ni0.2O2.