Sluchanko, N.; Khoroshilov, A.; Krasnorussky, V.; Krasikov, K.; Bogach, A.; Demishev, S.; Shitsevalova, N.; Filipov, V.; Gabáni, S.; Siemensmeyer, K.; Gavrilkin, S.; Flachbart, K.: Maltese Cross Anisotropy in Antiferromagnetic State of Metallic Ho0.5Lu0.5B12 with Dynamic Charge Stripes. Acta Physica Polonica A 137 (2020), p. 756-759
Open Access Version

The model fcc system Ho0.5Lu0.5B12with substitutional disorder of Ho-Lu ions, dynamic charge stripes,and a complex AF ground state has been studied by magnetoresistance at low temperatures in magnetic field upto 80 kOe. For this non-equilibrium AF metal the angularH–φ–Tmagnetic phase diagram in the form of a “Maltesecross” has been constructed experimentally for the first time. It was shown that the dramatic symmetry loweringof the AF ground state in this rare earth dodecaboride should be attributed to the redistribution of charge carriersinto dynamic charge stripes due to RKKY oscillations of the conduction electrons spin density. This redistributioncauses extraordinary changes in the indirect exchange interaction between magnetic moments of Ho3+ions andresults in the emergence of a number of various magnetic phases and phase transitions