Institut Silizium-Photovoltaik
Graphene – a novel contact material
We applied large area graphene as contacts in Si-based solar cells with methyl-passivation (A) [1] and with poly-(3-hexyl)thiophene emitter (B) [2] with enhanced external quantum efficiencies (EQE) due to less light absorption by the graphene.
Fig. 3
Additionally, graphene was also used in perovskite based solar cell devices in single (C) [3] and tandem structure (D) configurations [4] leading to a doping of graphene induced by the perovskite layer.
Fig. 4
[1] Temperature and light dependent electrical properties of Graphene/n-Si–CH3-terminated solar cells; Brus, V.V.; Gluba, M.A.; Zhang, X.; Hinrichs, K.; Rappich, J.; Nickel, N.H.; Solar Energy 107 (2014) 74–81.
[2] Characterization of hybrid solar cells prepared from poly-thiophenes and silicon; Zellmeier, Matthias; Thesis at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.
[3] In situ graphene doping as a route toward efficient perovskite tandem solar cells; Lang, F.; Gluba, M.A.; Shargaieva, O.; Rappich, J.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.; Nickel, N.H.; Phys. Status Solidi A 213 (2016) 1989-1996.
[4] Perovskite Solar Cells with Large-Area CVD-Graphene for Tandem Solar Cells; Lang, F.; Gluba, M.A.; Albrecht, S.; Rappich, J.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.; Nickel, N.H.; J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 6 (2015) 2745–2750.