• Scheer, M.: UNDUMAG - A New Computer Code to Calculate the Magnetic Properties of Undulators. In: Gianluigi Arduini [Ed.] : Proceedings of IPAC, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2017Geneve: JaCoW, 2017. - ISBN 978-3-95450-182-3, p. 3071-3073

Open Access Version

A new code for the magnetic design of undulators is under development at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB/BESSY). The program reads in the geometry and material properties of undulator magnets and iron poles. Magnetic fields, forces and torques, as well as trajectories and synchrotron radiation can be calculated. The code is a stand-alone FORTRAN program, thus, only a FORTRAN compiler is needed to install it. Part of the calculations can be done in parallel threads on computers with several CPU cores. Build-in graphic routines allow to visualize the geometry and the calculated fields, trajectory etc. Results like 3D field maps, field integrals etc. are also written to ASCII files for later use. The code will be published under the GNU general public license. First results and comparison to other codes are presented.