Neumann, A.; Anders, W.; Barday, R.; Jankowiak, A.; Kamps, T.; Knobloch, J.; Kugeler, O.; Matveenko, A.; Quast, T.; Rudolph, J.; Schubert, S.; Völker, V.; Smedley, J.; Sekutowicz, J.; Kneisel, P.; Nietubyc, R.; Will, I.; Lorenz, G. : SRF Photoinjector Tests at HOBICAT. In: Conference Proceedings / 15th International Conference on RF Superconductivity, SRF 2011. July 25 - 29, 2011,Chicago, USA, 2011, p. [1-7]
Abstract In collaboration with Jefferson Laboratory, DESY and the A. Soltan Institute HZB developed a fully supercon- ducting RF photo-injector as a first step towards a high average current electron source for the BERLinPro ERL. This setup consists of a 1.6 cell superconducting gun cav- ity with a lead cathode plasma-arc deposited on the half cell backwall and a superconducting solenoid. The system, in- cluding a warm diagnostic beam-line section, was recently installed in the HoBiCaT test facility to study beam dy- namics within the ERL parameter range. This paper will give an overview of the horizontal cavity tests, dark current studies and beam measurements.