Wrogemann, J.M.; Luether, M.J.; Baermann, P.; Lounasvuori, M.; Javed, A.; Tiemann, M.; Golnak, R.; Xiao, J.; Petit, T.; Placke, T.; Winter, M.: A Collaboration for Exploring Fundamental Property-Performance Relationships for Electrochemical Energy Storage. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 62 (2023), p. e202308841/1-2
Open Access Version

This invited Team Profile was created by Jens Matthies Wrogemann. He and his collaborators at the MEET Battery Research Center, the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH (HZB), and Paderborn University recently published a research article about property–performance relationships of 2D conductive metal–organic frameworks. Flake- and rod-like shaped particles were evaluated to investigate the impact of the particle morphology of MOFs on electrochemical Li+ ion storage. By optimization of the particle morphology, the diffusion limitation of the Faradaic process can be significantly reduced.