Markötter, H.; Müller, B.R.; Kupsch, A.; Evsevleev, S.; Arlt, T.; Ulbricht, A.; Dayani, S.; Bruno, G.: A Review of X-Ray Imaging at the BAMline (BESSY II). Advanced Engineering Materials 25 (2023), p. 2201034/1-22
Open Access Version
The hard X-ray beamline BAMline at BESSY II (Berlin, Germany) has now been in service for 20 years. Several improvements have been implemented in this time, and this review provides an overview of the imaging methods available at the BAMline. Besides classic full-field synchrotron X-ray computed tomography (SXCT), also absorption edge CT, synchrotron X-ray refraction radiography (SXRR), and synchrotron X-ray refraction tomography (SXRCT) are used for imaging. Moreover, virtually any of those techniques are currently coupled in situ or operando with ancillary equipment such as load rigs, furnaces, or potentiostats. Each of the available techniques is explained and both the current and the potential usage are described with corresponding examples. The potential use is manifold, the examples cover organic materials, composite materials, energy-related materials, biological samples, and materials related to additive manufacturing. The article includes published examples as well as some unpublished applications.