Karabekyan, S.; Abeghyan, S.; Altmann, P.; Bagha-Shanjani, M.; Bahrdt, J.; Block, A.; Brügger, M.; Calvi, M.; Casalbuoni, S.; Danner, S.; Decking, W.; Englisch, U.; Freund, W.; Fröhlich, L.; Ganter, R.; Geloni, G.; Grünert, J.; Hauf, S.; Hensler, O.; Holz, C.; Huber, L.; Keller, A.; Kim, D.E.; Kittel, C.; La Civita, D.; Ladwig, T.; Laksman, J.; Lenz, D.; Li, Y.; Liang, X.; Lipka, D.; Mamchyk, D.; Mattusch, R.; Mildner, N.; Negodin, E.; Planas, M.P.; Preisskorn, F.; Prenting, J.; Reiche, S.; Saretzki, F.; Schlösser, M.; Schmidt, M.S.; Schmidt, T.; Schmidt-Föhre, F.; Schneidmiller, E.; Scholz, M.; Serkez, S.; Sinn, H.; Thoden, D.; Wamsat, T.; Wilksen, T.; Wohlenberg, T.; Wuenschel, M.; Yakopov, M.; Youngman, C.; Yurkov, M.V.; Zhang, K.: The Status of the SASE3 Variable Polarization Project at the European XFEL. In: Frank Zimmermann ... [Ed.] : IPAC2022 : Proceedings of the 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference, in Bangkok, Thailand, 12–17 June 2022Geneva: JACoW, 2022. - ISBN 978-3-95450-227-1, p. TUPOPT014/1-4
Open Access Version

The undulator systems at the European XFEL consist of two hard X-ray systems, SASE1 and SASE2, and one soft X-ray system, SASE3. All three systems are equipped with planar undulators using permanent neodymium magnets. These systems allow the generation of linearly polarized radiation in the horizontal plane. In order to generate variable polarization radiation in the soft X-ray range, an afterburner is currently being implemented behind the SASE3 planar undulator system. It consists of four APPLE-X helical undulators. The project, called SASE 3 Variable Polarization, is close to being put into operation. All four helical undulators have been installed in the tunnel during the 2021-2022 winter shutdown. This paper describes the status of the project and the steps toward its commissioning. It also presents lessons learned during the implementation of the project.