
U49-2_PGM-1 Undulator PGM horizontal polarisation

This beamline has high photon flux, small focus spot, and moderate energy resolution. It is dedicated to studies of various soft X-ray spectroscopies.

Optical Layout

Optical Layout

Beamline data
Segment H15
Location (Pillar) 16.2
Source U49-2 (Undulator)
Monochromator PGM-1
Energy range 85 - 1600 eV
Energy resolution Energy and slit dependent, resolving power 4300 at 400 eV and slit 20 µm
Flux see the flux curve below
Polarisation horizontal
Divergence horizontal 0.4 mrad
Divergence vertical 0.2 mrad
Focus size (hor. x vert.) slit dependent, see the "focal size" figure below
User endstation possible
Distance Focus/last valve 944 mm
Height Focus/floor level 1417 mm
Beam availability 12h/d
Phone +49 30 8062 14835
Applicable station(s)
GELEM-PEEM preparation: 300 – 3000 K
measurement: 300 K
ALICE II 10 - 475 K
SolidFlexRIXS 100 - 1500 K
User station
POLARIMETER room temperature
Photon Flux

Photon Flux

Energy Resolution

Energy Resolution

Focal Size

Focal Size

U49-2_PGM-1 ist ein "open-port" Strahlrohr ohne fest installierte Messapparatur. Nutzergruppen können ihre eigenen Experimente oder ein der flexiblen HZB-Messapparaturen verwenden.