This low energy beamline serves the permanent stations for angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, One Cube and One Square ARPES. It is designed to deliver a high flux of photons with very high energy resolution in the range from 5 to 250 eV. In addition to its normal operation with grazing incidence angles, the monochromator also offers a normal incidence option to retain flux and polarization at the lowest energies.
Station data | |
Temperature range | 1 - 50 K |
Pressure range | For details contact the Instrument Scientist. |
Weitere Details | ARPES One-Cube |
Beamline data | |
Segment | H13 |
Location (Pillar) | 14.2 |
Source | UE112 (Elliptical Undulator) |
Monochromator | PGM 2 |
Energy range | 4 - 200 eV |
Energy resolution | < 1 meV for E < 100 eV |
Flux | >1013 (photons/s/0.1%bw/100 mA) |
Polarisation | • linear any angle • circular |
Divergence horizontal | 1 mrad |
Divergence vertical | 3 mrad |
Focus size (hor. x vert.) | 250µm x variable (typically ~40µm) |
User endstation | not possible |
Distance Focus/last valve | 814 mm |
Height Focus/floor level | 1757 mm |
Beam availability | 12h/d |
Phone | +49 30 8062 14696 |
The monochromated beam branches into two lines to serve the 12 (left) and 13 (right) setups. The latter has a focus of 250 µm.
For more details and current status contact the Instrument Scientist.