Hwang, J.-G.; Schiwietz, G.; Schälicke, A.; Ries, M.; Dürr, V.; Wolk, D.: Development of a new button beam-position monitor for BESSY VSR. In: Yongbin Leng ... [Ed.] : IBIC 2018, Proceedings of the 7th International Beam Instrumentation Conference, Shanghai, ChinaJACoW, 2019. - ISBN 978-3-95450-201-1, p. TUPB04/265-268
Open Access Version

An extreme operation mode such as the BESSY-VSR conditions stimulates the development of a high accuracy bunchby- bunch beam-position monitor (BPM) system which is compatible with the bunch-selective operation for the orbit feedback system. Such a system will also greatly benefit to accelerator R&D such as transverse resonance island buckets (TRIBs). Compensation of the long-range ringing signal produced by the combined effect of impedance mismatching inside the button and trapped TE-modes in the aluminumoxide insulator (Al2O3) material is required essentially to improve the resolution. This is important since the ringing causes a misreading of the beam position and current of following bunches. We show the design study of a new button-type BPM to mitigate the influence of the ringing signal as well as to reduce wake losses by improving the impedance matching in the button and by replacing the insulator material.