Hwang, J.-G.; Schiwietz, G.; Koopmans, M.; Atkinson, T.; Schälicke, A.; Goslawski, P.; Mertens, T.; Ries, M.; Jankowiak, A.: Recent progress of bunch resolved beam diagnostics for BESSY VSR. In: Yongbin Leng ... [Ed.] : Proceedings of IBIC2018, Shanghai, China : 09-13 September 2018Geneve, Switzerland: JACoW, 2018. - ISBN 978-3-95450-201-1, p. WEPA02/379-381
Open Access Version
BESSY VSR is an upgrade project of the existing storage ring BESSY II to create long and short photon pulses simultaneously for all beam lines by installing additional superconducting cavities with harmonic frequencies of 1.5 GHz and 1.75 GHz. The storage-ring operation will be influenced by a transient beam-loading effect of all cavities and by the complex filling pattern due to the disparity in the current of long and short bunches. This, in turn, could introduce a variation of beam trajectory, transverse profile, and length for the different bunches. This stimulates the development of bunch-resolved monitors for bunch length, beam size, filling pattern and beam trajectory displacement. In this paper, we show new developments of crucial beam diagnostics including measurements of the bunch-resolved temporal profile with a resolution of less than 1 ps FWHM and bunch-resolved profile with a resolution of less than 10 um rms. The upgrade of the booster beam-diagnostics will be discussed as well.