Hwang, J.-G.; Koopmans, M.; Ries, M.; Schälicke, A.; Müller, R.: Numerical Analysis of Excitation Property of Pulse Picking by Resonant Excitation at BESSY II. In: Shane Koscielniak ... [Ed.] : IPAC2018 : Proceedings of the 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, CanadaGeneve: JACoW, 2018. - ISBN 978-3-95450-184-7, p. THPMF035/1-3
Open Access Version

The pulse picking by resonant excitation (PPRE) method is applied at BESSY II to provide pseudo single bunch operation by separating the radiation from one horizontally enlarged bunch from the light of the multi-bunch filling. The bunch is enlarged by an excitation with an external signal close to the tune resonance. The variation of the beam size depends strongly on the frequency and amplitude of the excitation signal. In this paper we show the properties of the PPRE bunch studied by analytical modeling and numerical calculations using Elegant. The simulation results are compared with beam size measurements using a new interferometry beam size monitor at BESSY II.