Koopmans, Marten: Interferometric Beam Size Monitor for BESSY II. , Berlin, Humboldt Universität, Master, 2018
Open Access Version

The upgrade of the BESSY II storage ring to BESSY VSR demands additional beam diagnostics for machine commissioning, development and ensuring long term quality and stability of user operation. In particular bunch resolved diagnostics are required because of the complex fill pattern to serve different user requests at the same time. Presently, transverse beam size measurements are performed with X-ray pinhole monitor systems, which do not provide bunch resolved information. Alternative methods to measure the transverse beam size using synchrotron radiation in the visible spectrum are interferometric techniques, which can also be upgraded efficiently to bunch resolved systems. Therefore a double slit interferometer has been designed. The system has been successfully commissioned and the experimental results are discussed and compared with existing pinhole systems.