Apel, D.; Meixner, M.; Liehr, A.; Klaus, M.; Degener, S.; Wagener, G.; Franz, C.; Zinn, W.; Genzel, C.; Scholtes, B.: Residual stress analysis of energy-dispersive diffraction data using a two-detector setup: Part II - Experimental implementation. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 877 (2018), p. 56-64
Based on the theoretical concept of a two-detector setup for the energy-dispersive diffraction method (Apel et al., 2017), the experimental implementation of the proposed measurement concepts is demonstrated. The measurement configurations as well as the formalism for data evaluation introduced in the first part of this series are applied to the analysis of in- and out-of-plane near surface residual stress gradients in mechanically surface treated steel. Diffraction experiments carried out with the Bremsstrahlung of a conventional X-ray tube are shown to yield results with a quality comparable to measurements conducted at a synchrotron beamline. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the simultaneous measurement of the positive and the negative 𝜓-branch can partly compensate for the much higher counting times due to the lower photon flux of the X-ray tube. The results are compared and assessed with those obtained by means of synchrotron radiation (beamline EDDI@BESSY II) and the layer removal method (LRM).