Mertens, T.; Atkinson, T.; Glöckner, F.; Jankowiak, A.; Ries, M.; Tsakanian, A.: Impact of RF Coupler Kicks on Beam Dynamics in BESSY VSR. In: Shane Koscielniak ... [Ed.] : IPAC2018 : Proceedings of the 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC, CanadaGeneve: JACoW, 2018. - ISBN 978-3-95450-184-7, p. THPAF084/3182-3185
Open Access Version

The expected BESSY II upgrade to BESSY VSR requires the installation of a superconducting RF system [1], consisting of four cavities. Two cavities will operate at 1:5 GHz and two at 1:75 GHz. Each of them is equipped with a Fundamental Power Coupler (FPCs) and with Higher Order Mode (HOM) damping waveguides. Dedicated simulations of these cavities and couplers have shown that at the location of the FPCs the beam will see a transverse kick [1–3], perturbing the closed orbit and affecting transverse beam dynamics. We present the results of simulations and preliminary experiments of the impact on transverse beam dynamics of these coupler induced kicks for different FPC orientations.