Bahrdt, J.; Engel, D.; Frentrup, W.; Goslawski, P.; Kuske, P.; Müller, R.; Ries, M.; Ruprecht, M.; Schälicke, A.: Measurements of the Lattice Modifications for the Cryogenic Undulator CPMU17. In: Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz ... [Ed.] : IPAC2016, Proceedings of the 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Busan, South KoeaJACoW, 2016. - ISBN 978-3-95450-147-2, p. THPOW039/1-4=4031-4034
Open Access Version

A 2 mrad-canted double undulator system is in preparation as the wide energy range light source for the Energy Material in-situ Laboratory EMIL at the HZB storage ring BESSY II. The cryogenic undulator CPMU- 17 is the hard X-ray device of the double undulator system. The soft X-ray undulator UE-48 is of the APPLE II type. It was installed and commissioned a few months ago, whereas the CPMU-17 is under fabrication. The CPMU-17 will employ a minimum magnetic gap of 5.5mm. Including a CuNi-foil for RF-shielding and geometric tolerances the free aperture is planned to be 5.0 mm. The BESSY II lattice has been modified locally in order to cope with the small gap device. The adapted betatron functions with a shifted vertical beam waist were measured and fitted with LOCO. The new optics agrees with the predicted performance. The free aperture at the installation place of the CPMU-17 was measured with four vertical scrapers. It is compatible with the projected minimum undulator gap. Finally, the measured injection efficiency with the new EMIL optics switched on is compatible with top-up operation (injection efficiency ≥ 90 %).