Jankowiak, A.; Anders, W.; Atkinson, T.; Burrill, A.; Ehmler, H.; Föhlisch, A.; Goslawski, P.; Holldack, K.; Knobloch, J.; Kuske, P.; Malyutin, D.; Matveenko, A.; Müller, R.; Neumann, A.; Ott, K.; Ries, M.; Ruprecht, M.; Schälicke, A.; Velez, A.; Wüstefeld, G.: The Bessy VSR Project for Short X-Ray Pulse Production. In: Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz ... [Ed.] : IPAC2016 - Proceedings of 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC'16), Busan, Korea, May 8-13, 2016JACoW, 2016. - ISBN 978-3-95450-147-2, p. WEPOW009/1-4
Open Access Version

The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) is proposing an innovative, challenging upgrade scheme for the storage ring BESSY II to generate simultaneously 15 ps and 1.7 PS (rms) long electron bunches, the Variable pulse length Storage Ring BESSY VSR [1].Intense pulses of synchrotron radiation of corresponding length are emitted. Both the short and long X-ray pulses are supplied to all beam ports and can be separated by pulse picking methods.