• Koborinai, R.; Dissanayake, S. E.; Reehuis, M.; Matsuda, M.; Kajita, T.; Kuwahara, H.; Lee, S.-H.; Katsufuji, T.: Orbital Glass State of the Nearly Metallic Spinel Cobalt Vanadate. Physical Review Letters 116 (2016), p. 037201/1-5

Open Access Version

Strain, magnetization, dielectric relaxation, and unpolarized and polarized neutron diffraction measurements were performed to study the magnetic and structural properties of spinel Co1−xV2+xO4. The strain measurement indicates that, upon cooling, ΔL=L in the order of ∼10^−4 starts increasing below TC, becomes maximum at Tmax, and then decreases and changes its sign at T*. Neutron measurements indicate that a collinear ferrimagnetic order develops below TC and upon further cooling noncollinear ferrimagnetic ordering occurs below Tmax. At low temperatures, the dielectric constant exhibits a frequency dependence, indicating slow dynamics. These results indicate the existence of an orbital glassy state at low temperatures in this nearly metallic frustrated magnet. DOI: 10.1103/