Nehrkorn, J.; Schnegg, A.; Holldack, K.; Stoll, S.: General Magnetic Transition Dipole Moments for Electron Paramagnetic Resonance. Physical Review Letters 114 (2015), p. 010801/1-5
Open Access Version

We present general expressions for the magnetic transition rates in electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) experiments of anisotropic spin systems in the solid state. The expressions apply to general spin centers and arbitrary excitation geometry (Voigt, Faraday, and intermediate). They work for linear and circular polarized as well as unpolarized excitation, and for crystals and powders. The expressions are based on the concept of the (complex) magnetic transition dipole moment vector. Using the new theory, we determine the parities of ground and excited spin states of high-spin (S=5/2) FeIII in hemin from the polarization dependence of experimental EPR line intensities.