• Xavier, J.; Probst, J.; Back, F.; Wyss, P.; Eisenhauer, D.; Löchel, B.; Rudigier-Voigt, E.; Becker, C.: Quasicrystalline-structured light harvesting nanophotonic silicon films on nanoimprinted glass for ultra-thin photovoltaics. Optical Materials Express 4 (2014), p. 2290-2299


We present nanophotonic light harvesting crystalline silicon (c-Si) thin films on glass exhibiting ten-fold transversely quasicrystalline lattice geometry on 6 x 8 mm2 area. The c-Si architectures with a nearest neighbor distance of 650 nm are fabricated by nanoimprinting the desired quasicrystalline geometry into sol-gel coated glass substrates followed by Si deposition of 240 nm to 270 nm thickness, self-organized solid phase crystallization and selective chemical etching. Broadband absorption measurements on these quasicrystalline-structured c-Si architectures yield a very significant improvement in light trapping in the near infrared regime and an enhanced light coupling due to a graded index effect in comparison to the unstructured sample. The average value of maximum achievable short circuit current density jsc, max of solar cells with such quasicrystallinestructured c-Si absorber geometry (19.3 mA/cm2) is more than double in comparison to the jsc, max of unstructured planar films of the same thickness (9.3 mA/cm2) and remains stable for light incident angles up to 60°. In comparison to a 320 nm thick c-Si film on textured ZnO:Al substrate as widely used for light trapping in amorphous-microcrystalline Si thin-film photovoltaics, still a 65% increased jsc, max is observable for the presented quasicrystalline c-Si structures. The nanophotonic light trapping efficiency of these transversely quasicrystalline c-Si nanoarchitectures is among the highest values for experimentally realized structures, revealing their promising influence for broadband and isotropic light trapping for economically viable and efficient ultra-thin solar cells.