Heine, R.; Aulenbacher, K.; Chubarov, O.; Dehn, M.; Euteneuer, H.; Jankowiak, A.; Jennewein, P.; Kreidel, H.-J.; Ludwig-Mertin, U.; Ott, P.; Stephan, G.; Tioukine, V.: Recent Status of the MAMI-C Accelerator and First Experiences with the Energy Upgrade towards 1.6 GEV*. In: Proceedings IPAC 10. First International Particle Accelerator Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 23 - 28 May, 2010, 2010. - ISBN 978-92-9083-352-9, p. 4328-4330
The University of Mainz’ institute for nuclear physics is operating the microtron cascade MAMI (Mainzer Mikrotron) since the late 1970ies. The microtron delivers a cw electron beam to users of the hadron physics community. The recent, fourth stage MAMI-C having a design energy of 1.5 GeV is operated since 2006 [1]. This article deals with the recent developments and operational experiences of MAMI-C, as well as with the energy upgrades to 1.56 GeV [2] and as final step towards 1.6 GeV. The final increase of beam energy was due to user demands, since it is expected to raise the event rate of the η’- production by an order of magnitude.