Ahmels, P.; Marongiu, M.; Atkinson, T.; Rehm, G.; Ries, M.: Research and development beamline for the BESSY II booster beamline. In: Editorial Board: Jianshe Cao (IHEP) ... [Ed.] : Proceedings of the 13th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC2024) : Beijing, 09-13 September 2024Genevieve: JaCoW, 2024. - ISBN 978-3-95450-249-3, p. 585-598
Open Access Version

With the refurbishment completed, the optical beamline delivers all the required diagnostics. This paper reports on their status focusing in particular on the R&D beamline branch. The additional branch is equipped with programable mirror and lens position controllers allowing elaborate optical optimisation. This system is used for educational purposes and for improving the source point imaging system through the study of polarisation characteristics. Test systems for an ultra-fast diode and a THz detector are equipped with CMOS cameras and polarisation filters. Furthermore the R&D branch complements the existing diagnostics to measure bunch lengths and investigate non-linear beam dynamics.