Denker, A.; Bundesmann, J.; Dittwald, A.; Fanselow, T.; Kourkafas, G.: Visualization of beam position and beam shape. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B 553 (2024), p. 165405/1-6
Open Access Version

For 25 years, the HZB cyclotron provides protons for eye-tumour treatment in collaboration with the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Parallel to therapy, there is an on-going research and development program for beam dosimetry, medical physics, radiation hardness tests, and PIXE. For all these applications, a visualization of the beam shape and its intensity distribution is essential. In the treatment room a CCD camera, having a weight of about 20 kg is used for the measurements of the two-dimensional beam distribution. For experiments, a much lighter – 2 kg – camera system was developed. The properties of this camera and the data evaluation of the images will be presented.